424 ORANGE EUPHORIA - Semilac Soak Off Gel / Hybrid Nail Polish - "POWER NEONS" Collection
424 ORANGE EUPHORIA - Semilac Soak Off Gel / Hybrid Nail Polish - "POWER NEONS" Collection
You definitely know what it’s like when you and your friends just can’t stop laughing, don’t you? The Orange Euphoria neon juicy orange shade with a note of red from the latest Semilac collection can charge you up with positive energy. An intense orange manicure boosts your endorphins, and we all know nothing makes us more confident than happiness. Spread this euphoric power of neon colors to the women near you and see how you can cheer yourselves up!
For maximum color intensity, apply light color gel polish base coat. We recommend Semilac Fiber Base Works perfect with pastel and neon colors.
UV LED Lamp 12W - 60 sec.
UV LED lamp 24W/36 - 30 sec.
UV LED Lamp 24W/48W - 30 sec.
UV LED Diamond lamp 24W/48 - 30 sec.
UV LED Diamond lamp 36W/54 - 30 sec.